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Tides Stations in Miami Dade County |
GPS Location of Reading |
Golden Beach North Miami Beach Biscayne Creek Indian Creek Golf Club Dodge Island Government Cut |
25° 56.5' N 80° 7.5' W
25° 55'42.08" N 80° 07'47.76" W 25° 54.2' N 80° 7.5' W 25° 54.2' N 80° 7.2' W
25° 47'37.27" N 80° 09'47.45" W 25° 46.7' N 80° 11.1' W
25° 46.1' N 80° 7.9' W
25° 43.8' N 80° 9.7' W
25° 36.9' N 80° 18.3' W 25° 35.4' N 80° 9.7' W 25° 28.6' N 80° 10.8' W 25° 23.5' N 80° 13.8' W 25° 26.2' N 80° 19.8' W |
Florida Saltwater Fishing Regulations | Safe Handling of Self Caught Seafood |
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